What I want is what I've not got, but what I need is all around me...

Read-a-holics; this is for you - May. 11, 2005
Goodbye - Dec. 08, 2004
Red Sox Nation - Oct. 31, 2004
It is good to be from Boston - Oct. 28, 2004
She lost her sparkle, you know she isn't the same - Sept. 27, 2004

design by Jesa

Apr. 03, 2003 - mishmash of thoughts

ok so it was me. I caved. But I didn't get all weepy and girly. I called Morgan just to let her know that no matter what happened on Sunday night, I loved her.

She was happy to hear from me and we said that we will discuss this later. Cool.

We got a new Beta fishy. We named him Hops as in Hops and Barley. He lives in the yard glass on top of the T.V. so the kitty won't eat him. He is currently in the proccess of a reloation, but it is hard to find a spot for a 3 foot beer glass.

I am itching inside to start some work on the apartment and get moving in the yard. I always have all these big plans but never seem to go anywhere with them. I am going to Sherwin Williams tonight and I AM GOING TO BUY PAINT and start painting the front entry way and rip up that nasty ass rug. *this is my mantra* For a year and a half I keep saying that I am going to do something with the hall and this weekend I have made it my mission to do so. Shit if they can do it on Trading Spaces, I can do it at home. Right??

Everything that I want to do cost so much money. I need to buy a patio set, a potters bench, wicker furniture, paint, curtains, a bed...and the list goes on. I get so frustrated because I can't buy all the things that I want and I feel like I standing still. Wow that made more sense in my head. hm.

I have started to clench my teeth again and I don't know why. I wonder what is stressing me so much that I can't figure it out. arg.

The Dave Matthews Band tickets arrived via UPS yesterday. I was so happy. I am so happy that I finally got decent seats. I can't believe the concert is in Septemeber though, what a pisser to spend $300 and I can't use it until September. I could have used the credit card for other stuff like the damn patio or flowers....arg.

Tonight I go to see Georgette. I wonder what we will talk about?

ok well my day is over and I am off to Sherwin Willims to hopefully turn my entryway into a Tuscany Villa! that is fucking funny....