What I want is what I've not got, but what I need is all around me...

Read-a-holics; this is for you - May. 11, 2005
Goodbye - Dec. 08, 2004
Red Sox Nation - Oct. 31, 2004
It is good to be from Boston - Oct. 28, 2004
She lost her sparkle, you know she isn't the same - Sept. 27, 2004

design by Jesa

Apr. 18, 2003 - Have a good, Good Friday

Surprise party tonight is what we have planned. The boy is working for someone tomorrow night so I don't know what the hell I am doing.

Sunday is Easter, but seeing as though I don't have a religion, I am going to just eat food and see the family.

We have brunch at noon at Matt and Tracey's. The best thing about the brunch - Mimosas. Yum. I love OJ and I LOVE Champagne. How can you go wrong? I am bringing my world famous (well ok, not world, but family famous?) breakfast caserol thing.

I have to make it tomorrow morning and let it sit for 24 hours and then get up early on Sunday to cook it. That way it will be all warm and yummy for brunch.

The boy's sister and brother in law got a puppy yesterday. She is a mutt. All brown like a chocolate lab, with point ears and a short snout. Her name is Guinness. I was upset for a second, but I realized that people have the right to name their pets what they want. Just because I don't have my Guinness anymore... It was stupid of me to feel like that, so I got over it real quick. But I looked at the boy and said,"why can't we just get a mutt? Why do we have to spend hundreds of dollars on a dog? If I came home with that puppy, you would honestly tell me no?" He said that if I want a dog, just ask the land lord and go get one.

I do want a dog, but then I freeze. I get scared. What if I can't take care of the puppy? What if our apartment is too small? I am so torn. But I guess if it is right, it will just happen. I am not going to go searching for a pup, or look to rescue a dog (I tried that last week and cried for day over all the doggies I couldn't rescue) If I happen to come across a puppy and it needs me, then I will take it. Yeap, that is the plan.

There is this cute house for sale right behind our house. We looked at it yesterday. I want it, but I think that is just becasue I want a house. We are going to discuss this tonight.

Again, I want to move, I want to buy a house but I freeze. I feel stuck. Must talk to Georgette about this. I wish I knew when my next appointment is. Must look into that.

Going to go pay bills now.

Enjoy the weekend.