What I want is what I've not got, but what I need is all around me...

Read-a-holics; this is for you - May. 11, 2005
Goodbye - Dec. 08, 2004
Red Sox Nation - Oct. 31, 2004
It is good to be from Boston - Oct. 28, 2004
She lost her sparkle, you know she isn't the same - Sept. 27, 2004

design by Jesa

May. 19, 2003 - It was a full moon, that is for sure

The boy worked overtime on Friday night, so I went to the club by myself with the gang to play cards with uncle Harry, like the old days. We didn�t really have fun though; the night ended with Stephanie leaving because Mary yelled at her (they never liked each other to begin with) Mary got herself involved in a conversation that Ellen was having with me; and that started a HUGE brawl between those two, and so on. I was stuck in the middle just watching all this shit unfold. I kept sipping away at my drink just soaking it all up. It was fucked up.

Saturday morning when the boy came home we went out for breakfast and then to take the car back to Jiffy fuck my car up Lube. Ellen couldn�t believe her eyes when she saw us walking into scramblers at 8:15 am! I was bit on the hung over side, but it was because I didn�t get enough sleep. I had that dizzy-whoa-move slowly kind of feeling for much of the day. I had to go to Jessica�s bridal shower at 12:30 and I didn�t really have all that much energy, but once I ate and had some water I felt better.

Laurie was at Jess� shower, I asked her how she was doing and she said much better, but I could see all the scars up and down her arm. Purple and pink. Mostly burns, but some really deep scars from the glass window that she went through to save her life. I didn�t want to ask her about the fire, or that night. I am fairly certain that she didn�t need to hear those questions again, so I just asked her about the kids and John. She did talk about the burns on her back, it came up in conversation, I didn�t realize how badly burned she was. She is lucky that she is alive. Her scars go deeper than the marks on her skin, but she has a positive outlook on things and that is the first step in healing.

I went up to the Providence Place Mall with Ellen after the shower. I went to Illuminations; it is ten times better than Yankee Candle. I couldn�t pick just one candle, so I bought a bunch of votives so I could get everything that I wanted then pick my favorite. I was supposed to meet up with Ed and Jess around 7 so we could go to the mews, but Jess never fucking called me (blew me off once again) so I went out to dinner with Don and Ellen. After dinner we went to the club to see Glen and Vicki and give them the tickets to the pub-crawl. Morgan joined us at the club after she was done babysitting for Paul and Carrie. Morgan had two drinks and was actually drunk. I don�t mean tipsy, but down right drunk. Geesh, what a cheap date!

Sunday morning we were up at 7:30 am so we could meet up with Don and Ellen for breakfast, they wanted to see the boy seeing as though he has worked the last 3 weekends in a row. After breakfast we all went to the Flea Market. In less than 3 minutes I had spent $50. Seriously, I walked in the gate and saw this metal shelf that matched my bakers rack in the kitchen. I have been looking high and low for the 3-tier cart/shelf thing to match so I could put my glasses on it. I kept seeing them in the flyers for Target for $39.00 and every single time I went to the store to buy it, they were sold out. Well this lady at the flea market was selling it for $10! I offered her $8 and she said yes! Yea, score for me. While I was wheeling and dealing for the cart, the boy found a table with Pez, but this guy was a Pez collector/dealer. ****Aaaahhhhh!!!!!!! Sounds of angles singing****** I was in utopia! Well I got Spike from Tom and Jerry, but he was from the European collection, and seeing as though I don�t go to Europe, it was a score. I also got this weird Sea Serpent creature thing that was also from Europe. But the coolest thing that I bought was the tin sign with the Pez man Space ship on it. I have this thing for metal/tin signs to begin with, plus it was the PezMan! Dude it was a must have for me. I also got these really cool Pez magnets. What a bad table for me to find. Must.Go.Back.

I also bought another cribbage board. I don�t really need it, but it was so cool and it was only $2.00. On the way out of the flea market, I ran into my father and his wife. I haven�t seen my dad since Christmas. That was weird. I spotted him first, so I walked up behind him and said, �old man, what the hell are you doing here?� He turned around and was surprised to 1) hear someone call him old man and 2) see me with Morgan (who isn�t currently speaking to my dad). Very awkward and slightly intense, but I got through it. I gave him a kiss and introduced him to Don and Ellen and then I said that we had to go get Guinness so I could take her over to play with Kiki.

I really want Guinness, I just want to give her the time and attention that she needs. Yesterday we worked on the whole �sit� thing and started to teach her to play ball and NOT TO BEG FOR FOOD. I wish they would just say to us, here have her; you spend more time with her than we do.

I did get some garden time in yesterday afternoon and I also managed to squeeze some laundry into the mix as well. Watched Six Feet Under and off to dreamland I went.

Tonight I am having dinner with the boy, my mother, stepfather, Grammy and my grandmother from AZ. This ought to be interesting. I have a ton of work to do here at work plus I have to clean up from the destruction that these cats caused over the weekend. They have broken dishes, knocked over the plants, took out my desk and just created more work for me. Thanks guys! Happy Monday.