What I want is what I've not got, but what I need is all around me...

Read-a-holics; this is for you - May. 11, 2005
Goodbye - Dec. 08, 2004
Red Sox Nation - Oct. 31, 2004
It is good to be from Boston - Oct. 28, 2004
She lost her sparkle, you know she isn't the same - Sept. 27, 2004

design by Jesa

Jun. 02, 2003 - Want to know more about me?

Stole this from Joanne. (real entry is before this one)


-- Name: Miss Waterford (ha.)

-- Birthplace: Providence, RI

-- Current Location: Work

-- Eye Color: Blue like the water

-- Hair Color: Brown with Red and blond (in the summer) highlights

-- Height: short

-- Righty or Lefty: 100% righty

-- Zodiac Sign: Gemini (yes, I know. Scary)


-- Your heritage: Irish and French (talk about stubborn!)

-- The shoes you wore today: black slip ons with open toe

-- Your fears: Flying, puking, failing, falling, Dying of Cancer

-- Your perfect pizza: Hawaiian. Oh, Thunderbird pizza at Kingston Pizza. Yum.

-- Goal(s) you'd like to achieve: Being truly happy.


-- Your first thoughts waking up: Ugh. I have to go to work on a day like this?

-- Your best physical feature: my eyes (boobs too, but only men appreciate them)

-- Your bedtime: between midnight and one

-- Your most missed memory: Sunday morning breakfast with the crew


-- Pepsi or coke: Coke baby.

-- McDonald's or Burger King: neither, but life or death, Burger King.

-- Single or group dates: date? What is that.

-- Adidas or Nike: Nike

-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea with Lemmon

-- Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate

-- Cappuccino or coffee: Coffee.


-- Smoke: Want to everyday. But I quit December 23, 2002

-- Cuss: Every fucking chance I get.

--Sing: not well, but yes I sing. I sound awesome in the shower.

-- Take a shower everyday: na. I don�t mind stinkin�, it adds character.

--Have a crush(es): on my boyfriend. Oh, and Harrison Ford. (puuurrrrr)

-- Do you think you've been in love: I know I have been. When it hurts to breathe when you are around that person and you can�t imagine doing anything else with anyone else. Yes. I have been there. Several times as a matter of fact.

-- Want to go to university: Who is paying this time???

-- Like(d) high school: I loved it.

-- Want to get married: Someday, I suppose. I was already engaged once. No hurry.

-- Believe in yourself: Some days

-- Get motion sickness: yes

-- Think you're attractive: Some days

-- Think you're a health freak: Have you seen the size of my ass?

-- Get along with your parent(s): My mother, yes. Step mom, possibly, my father, when he isn�t with his third wife and my step father always

-- Like thunderstorms: Yup

-- Play an instrument: I used to play the violin and the flute. But, I couldn�t play hot cross buns on either of them today if I tried.

LAYER SIX: In the past month...

--Drank alcohol: Uh, yea.

-- Smoked: No

-- Done a drug: Birth Control, Zyrtec, Flonase and Pot.

-- Made Out: no.

-- Gone on a date: we live together. No date.

-- Gone to the mall?: Home Depot count?

-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no, I prefer Chocolate Chip anyway.

-- Eaten sushi: NO

-- Been on stage: Yes

-- Been dumped: Yes

-- Gone skating: I hate it. And I live with an avid Hockey Player!

-- Made homemade cookies: Yuppers

-- Gone skinny dipping: Yup

-- Dyed your hair: Blue, Green, Purple, Fire Engine Red

-- Stolen anything: Yes, the hair scrunchie I gave Amy for Christmas in 1992


--Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Um, yes.

-- Been caught "doing something": I been caught doing a lot of �somethings�

-- Been called a tease: Pah. To tease. I have been called worse!

Gotten beaten up: Yes, then when she stopped fighting like she was on Jerry Springer, I beat the shit out of her. It ended with me smashing her face into the trunk of her car with her screaming stop.

-- Shoplifted: When I was younger

-- Changed who you were to fit in: Sometimes. But mostly when I was a kid


-- Age you hope to be married: yea, that passed several years ago!

-- Numbers and Names of Children: I will be lucky to have one. And if it is a boy, I want Connor Parker if it is a girl, Hannah Kelly

-- Describe your Dream Wedding: You will have to wait to be invited to find out

-- How do you want to die: Not answering this one. I have no choice in the matter anyway so why bother

-- Where you want to go to university: Where ever someone else is paying, I won�t be too picky.

-- What do you want to be when you grow up: Me.

-- What country would you most like to visit: Ireland (May 2004!!!!)

LAYER NINE: In a guy/girl

-- Best eye color?: Who cares

-- Best hair color?: I like shaved heads

-- Short or long hair?: see above!

-- Height: taller than me

-- Best articles of clothing: boxers


-- Number of taken drugs illegally: Today? Ever? How many times or how many different drugs? Hmmm� I have only taken acid a few times, smoke opium a few times and I still smoke pot. Other than that, I am too chicken to do it and I have no desire to either.

-- Number of people I could trust with my life: one.

-- Number of CDs that I own: over 200

-- Number of piercings: ears- I have 5 in my left ear, 2 in my right ear. Left nipple pierce and my nose is pierced. I took out my tongue ring several years ago when I was in the hospital passing the kidney stone (say ouch! With me)

-- Number of tattoos: 5

-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: like 3 times

-- Number of scars on my body: I was a tomboy, I have toooo many to count.

-- Number of things in my past that I regret: I try not to regret. If you regret you really don�t learn from the experience, but I do regret getting to know a certain someone that I can�t get out of my life at the moment.