What I want is what I've not got, but what I need is all around me...

Read-a-holics; this is for you - May. 11, 2005
Goodbye - Dec. 08, 2004
Red Sox Nation - Oct. 31, 2004
It is good to be from Boston - Oct. 28, 2004
She lost her sparkle, you know she isn't the same - Sept. 27, 2004

design by Jesa

Aug. 22, 2003 - Description of Vacation

So on the way to the Cape, Mark's (17 year old nephew)bottle of Gap Cologne broke open and spilled all over the backpack that he had it in. Read: the car smelled like the worst perfume counter at the mall. Needless to say, I ended up with a migrane and was trying to talk myself out of vomiting on route 6. I told Mark that if he ever wore that cologne in my presence again I would personally make sure that he would die. He laughed.

We got to the house and unpacked the car, I ate advil like it was my job and cracked open a beer pulled out my book and planked my ass on the deck. Children were restless and they went to the beach. ahhh. peace and quite.

We had dinner and I read some more and took a nap and we played Phase 10 well past midnight while we saw the greatest lightening I have ever seen.

Sunday it rained buckets. Hey this was the best time for us to go mini golf, no crowds. Ha. It was fun, right up until we got to the third hole and Keving didn't wait until I picked up my ball and he nailed HIS ball right into the side of my big toe and hit the bone on the side of my toe. I literally dropped to the ground and screamed it hurt so bad. I limped the other 15 holes and yelled "CLEAR" everytime I was done with my shot and walked to the next hole. Good times here people.

Kevin's parents don't like me. They didn't say more than the bear minimum while speaking to me. Oh well. Feeling mutual right now.

Monday morning Ellen was coming so we could spend the day in Province Town. Monday was an extremely stressful day to begin with. I had not even had my eyes open or a sip of coffee and Kevin's parents wanted to know if we would be eating dinner at 5. WHAT? I am on vacation, I do not follow a schedule and it is 9 am, how am I supposed to know? Well I looked at Kevin and he told them that we would let them know. We are in P-Town goofing on the sites and having a great time until my cell phone rang and it was our real estate agent. She was calling to tell me that the sellers have decided to change the terms and agreement that we have been working under. I snapped. I couldn't take it anymore. I cried. Right there on the side walk with all these people stearing at me. I basically told her that if they do not agree, I will sue them for breaking the conract and for loosing our rate blah blah blah. Well she told me a few more houses that came available for us in our area and she advised that we at least consider this. I was devistated. Fucking crushed. We waited. I cried. I went and had a beer, or two.

On the way back to the cottage, Elaine called Kevin's cell phone to tell us that the sellers decieded to go ahead with the original plan and we were closing on the 29th as planned. Cool. Fuckers. Ruined my day in P-town. We got the house, we are closing, we must celebrate. Drink, Smoke and be merry. Until the fucking spiders came out.

EEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW. I had a GIANT Daddy Longlegs crawling on my face. It fell off the side of the house and landed on my face. FREAK OUT. I jumped up and gimped out. Good thing that I was a bit out of my element or I would have really freaked out.

Earlier that day, I thought I lost my keys to my car. I was convinced that I had brought them with me and that I lost them at the beach. But stupid ass me called my house to see if I had left them on top of the rat cage by any chance; my sister thank god was home and confirmed that I had indeed left my keys on the cage. Phew. But by this point I was already worked up and pretty much MEGA Bitch.

Tuesday morning we showered up and went to Hyannis to go shopping. We met up with Jenn and had lunch with her. We did some antiquing (I am into the old kitchen gadgets for my new kitchen decorating theme) and we went back to Jenn and Mick's new house. Their house is so cute and adorable. We couldn't stay long, we were all tired and we still had an hour drive home to the cottage. MORE SPIDERS THAT NIGHT. I did not sleep a wink. I was petrafied to shut the lights off and fall asleep. I played games on the cell phone until the battery rand dead. I had already read both books that I brought with me (The Nannie Diaries and The Devil wears Prada) and everyone else seemed to be sleeping just fine. I couldn't wait until 7 am.

Wednesday we just laid around and did nothing. Played a ton of Phase 10 and drank my Kuya and pineapple juice. I was ready to go home. We went out to dinner and came home to pack. We stayed the night although I wanted to leave so bad, but we decided to leave first thing in the morning.

We had to come home to rest up and start to pack and get ready for my mom's cocktail party tomorrow.

There really wasn't one thing that made my vacation suck ass, it was just a bunch of things that grouped together and just made me feel tired of the whole thing. I am not a team player and I do not share my markers well. (ha. that was for you El)

I packed up the whole dinning room today and most of the kitchen. We are packing and moving the packed boxes to Kevin's sister's house for the next week. We have no room in the apartment and I just want this stuff out of my house so I can clean the apartment and just concentrate on the house next weekend. I can't believe we bought a house and we are moving in seven days. Kevin also mentioned something about getting married sometime soon so I can get on his dental insurance. I think he was serious too. Oh and Angel(the dog) is going into heat next month and Stef is breeding her so we should have Bruin by the first of the year. Yea! I am actually looking forward to work on Monday. Enjoy your weekend.