What I want is what I've not got, but what I need is all around me...

Read-a-holics; this is for you - May. 11, 2005
Goodbye - Dec. 08, 2004
Red Sox Nation - Oct. 31, 2004
It is good to be from Boston - Oct. 28, 2004
She lost her sparkle, you know she isn't the same - Sept. 27, 2004

design by Jesa

Oct. 31, 2003 - Happy Halloween.

Friday Five

1. What was your first Halloween costume?

I was five months old for my first Halloween, and I am pretty sure my mother made me a bunny. (Doesn�t every mom make their infants bunnies or pumpkins?) The first Halloween I remember, I was three and I wanted to be Casper the Friendly Ghost. I remember being so pissed at my mom for telling me that Casper was a boy. When you are three AND a girl, you don�t want to hear it.

2. What was your best costume and why?

Best costume? I have had so many, and I usually win first place, but I have to say last year�s costume. I was Sponge Bob Square Pants. I made the costume from foam egg crates that you put on the bed. I had to use SO much spray paint, hot glue, and black marker. It took me over 50 hours to make it and it cost almost $200. I even had a real red tie, which was a Tommy Hilfiger tie that I had to cut. I dyed stretch pants that obnoxious yellow, and I had socks that I painted with the stripes. I even when and bought a butterfly net, made a jellyfish and I pretended to go jelly fishing! It was a blast. The foam got really hot and the costume was HUGE. I had to throw it away. I was upset about having to discard all my hard work, but we thrashed it and I had no place to store this huge thing. Oh well, I can always do it again.

3. Did you ever play a trick on someone who didn't give you a treat?.

No. I was a boring kid. Actually I never really understood the whole �trick or treat� thing. I still don�t understand the concept of going to strangers� houses and begging for candy. Better yet, why strangers go out and buy $30 of candy to pass out to the little pukes in the neighborhood.

4. Do you have any Halloween traditions? (i.e.: Family pumpkin carving, special dinner before trick or treating, etc.)

The only tradition that we had was our Halloween Party, but my mom hung up the cape on that one last year. * sniff, sniff * The party was getting too big (almost 200 hundred people would come through out the night) and too expensive. She did it for 15 years� I guess it is my turn to carry on tradition, I just couldn�t do it this year, I still haven�t taken my shoes out of storage boxes how could I have a party?

5. Share your favorite scary story...real or legend!

I don�t really have one. I guess the only thing I can share with the class is how I grew up in a house that was haunted. We have a ghost in my mom�s house and it used to play with my toys and coloring books and crayons. It never broke anything; it would just move them around and mess things up. I did wake up one night and it was at the end of my bed looking at me. I was about 12 when that happened. It wasn�t what I thought a ghost would look like, it was more transparent and not a white haze-ish fog like Hollywood wants you to think. I was freaking out and I just politely told it to go away and leave me alone� then I screamed for my mom. I have since moved out of the house, but mom still lives there and strange things happen all the time, but that just comes with living in a haunted house.

Today is such a great day. The air temp is going to be around 50 and tonight is supposed to be clear. We are having a gathering at my house. I guess a party, we are dressing up and passing out candy. I went out last night to get candy, holy shit it was a zoo. I spent almost $30 on candy. I was stressing that I didn't get the right kind of candy or that they won't like it. What???? Who cares? They should be lucky that I am giving out candy. ha.

In other news... **** called Kevin yesterday. He wanted to know if Kevin was mad at him. (I took this as a sign that **** might have realized that they are the strange ones, NOT me) From what Kevin tells me, he told **** that he wasn't mad at him but more like the situation. He told **** that he was always on my side and that he agrees with me and how he didn't like the fact that his wife left me drunk to drive home and that they could have used better discretion.

Hmmm. Now I have no idea if Kev really said that or if he was blowing smoke up me arse. So now tonight we have to see if they will bring the girls over to the house.

I am not going to Tara and Brian's party tomorrow night. I just don't think it to be kosher yet.

Happy Halloween and Happy November.