What I want is what I've not got, but what I need is all around me...

Read-a-holics; this is for you - May. 11, 2005
Goodbye - Dec. 08, 2004
Red Sox Nation - Oct. 31, 2004
It is good to be from Boston - Oct. 28, 2004
She lost her sparkle, you know she isn't the same - Sept. 27, 2004

design by Jesa

Dec. 01, 2003 - Happy December

Thanksgiving was so much fun. I would do it all again in a heartbeat. We had a small party on Wednesday night and I didn�t get to bed until 1ish, and then I had to get up to stuff the bird at 6. Ugh, well somehow I slept through the alarm and I ended up getting up at 6:20. I didn�t even have my eyes open and there I was in the kitchen trying to stuff the bird and not be grossed out by the cold weird feeling the inside of the turkey had. (I have issues about raw meat, I hate the way it feels and if I think it is too slimy I will through perfectly good food away)

I put my turkey in the oven at 6:30 am exactly. According to all the cookbooks that I referenced AND the butterball website, I should cook said bird at 325 for 6-7 hours (we had a 25 pound turkey) and I should be good. Whoo this means I get to go back to bed. I wake up around 10ish to the sound of my father laughing in the kitchen and to the smell of turkey. Yum, except it shouldn�t smell as good as it does, the turkey has only been in the over a little over three hours.

I fly out to the kitchen and open the oven. Bird is done. WHAT?????? This can�t be. I start making phone calls. I have neighbors bringing over meat thermometers (I was convinced that mine was wrong) and they all read 185. SHIT BALLS how did this happen? I had my sister in law bring down the oven thermometer so I could check my oven�yea well I apparently speed cooked the turkey. My oven cooked 75 degrees higher than it should. So like the oven was actually 400 degrees and not 325. oopsy daisy.

HA. I didn�t care. The turkey was done, cool one less thing to worry about. I was actually quite stress free the entire day. I enjoyed more of it that way. My family makes me laugh and I love spending time with them when we are all together. I got all emotional when I did the toast (we don�t pray in my house) We played some softball and we walked around my neighborhood after dinner. I didn�t go to bed on Thursday night until 2 or somewhere in that neighborhood.

Friday we had HOCKEY!!!!! I love the day after thanksgiving hockey game with the H family and all the friends. I wasn�t feeling all that good. The weird bump on my jaw line was acting up. I wish I knew what this thing was and why it hurts the way it does. I have gone to the dentist, two different doctors we have had x-rays and no one knows what it is. I just know that I went to bed Friday night sobbing into my pillow until I passed out.

I woke up Saturday morning and it felt better, so I didn�t go to the ER like I was planning on doing. I did a little bit of shopping on Saturday and we had a party to go to on Saturday night.

Good Times were had at the party. I didn�t even wake up with a hang over on Sunday morning! That always makes me happy.

I had a good mini vacation. Now it is crunch time and I have to get my shopping, wrapping and what ever else, done. I am not in the Christmas mood this year. I have my first Holiday party this coming Saturday and the weekend after that I have Dave Matthews AND a party.

Well Happy December people.