What I want is what I've not got, but what I need is all around me...

Read-a-holics; this is for you - May. 11, 2005
Goodbye - Dec. 08, 2004
Red Sox Nation - Oct. 31, 2004
It is good to be from Boston - Oct. 28, 2004
She lost her sparkle, you know she isn't the same - Sept. 27, 2004

design by Jesa

Feb. 03, 2004 - Stupid Cat

My cat bit me in the eye a little while ago. He jumped up on the counter so I picked him up (he hates to be picked up) and he started to growl at me and he bit me.

Now, I know he doesn't like to be picked up all that much, but I am the mommy and I get to pick him up. Well I guess he thought differently. So unlike him really. In any case I have this tear across my eye lid.

I didn't know if I needed stitches or not, so I called Kevin. He told me to go to the Fire Station as a walk-in. Um, no. So I went to SIL's house. After we cleaned it off we (this was a group decision)decided that I would be ok with out the stitches. Phew! I hate that shit. Needles freak me the fuck out. Seriously, when I was in the hospital after Lou bit me (um do you see a pattern here?) and they had to take blood from me AND put and IV in me, I totally had a melt down. I cried and rocked back and fourth. I cried so hard I had snot bubbles coming out of my nose. I tend to freak out over stuff like that.

Once when I was five, I bit a nurse and it took 7 adults to hold me down for blood work. I still managed to get away and the nurse stuck my father with the needle.

Now my eye hurts, the lidocane (sp?)is wearing off and my eye is turning black-n-blue. Yea me.

Shit balls. Wanna know what I did? I totally forgot that I used my ATM card at Petco on Sunday ($54.00) and I over drew my account today. Whoops-ers. I really hope that the car and the loan checks don't clear until Friday. I have over draft protection, but still. I feel like such an ass. I never let the account get this low. NEVER AGAIN.

I also have to think of a stupid Valentine's present for boy wonder. I really hate the whole VD thing. It is always just another day to me, but I still have to give him something. St. Patrick's Day we actually exchange gifts; I mean come on; that is the real holiday! (have you seen the Guinness commercials???)

Ok well they eye really hurts now so I must go ice it and start reading my book.