What I want is what I've not got, but what I need is all around me...

Read-a-holics; this is for you - May. 11, 2005
Goodbye - Dec. 08, 2004
Red Sox Nation - Oct. 31, 2004
It is good to be from Boston - Oct. 28, 2004
She lost her sparkle, you know she isn't the same - Sept. 27, 2004

design by Jesa

Feb. 06, 2004 - Christmas Tree Shop adventure

So tonight I took Morgan out to dinner and then we headed over to the Christmas Tree Shop (which it actually has nothing to do with Trees or Christmas) so I could buy this bookcase that I wanted. Well we walked around the store for two hours, touched everything and went to cash out. This is where I turned into a moron.

The bookcase that I wanted weighs like 100lbs, so I had to drive around the back of the store to pick it up, but you pay up front first and then take the receipt back. So I am talking to the cashier and she asks me if I know where to go around back, so I started to point and then BAM! I jabbed myself in the face. TOTAL IDIOT. SO the girl looks at me and starts laughing. I was laughing too, and Morgan; well she was wheezing. So after all that we get out to the car, put the bags and Jasmine (my new plant) in the trunk. It was raining and cold out so we hoped in the car and started to jam out to Dave Matthews Band Live In Central Park. We are sitting in the car singing and dancing all the way home. Yeap. I said home. Not to the back of the building to get the bookcase, but fucking home.

So I am sitting in the car with my receipt calling the store to tell them that I am stupid. I say to the girl on the phone, � Hi, Yea my name is Jessica and I was just in your store and like a total idiot I driv home and forgot my bookcase that I was supposed to pick up.� She puts me on hold to get the manager. I am waiting. Morgan looks at me and says, �what the hell is wrong with you? Did you know you just told her, ��Like and idiot, I driv home�� You driv home Jes? What about drive home or drove home, not driv.� I was laughing so hard at this point I thought I was going to piss myself and to top it off I started that statement with �like an idiot�. Oh yea sure Jes like an idiot? How about you are an idiot.

So yea they have my shit and they are holding it for me which means I get to get back in my car and driv there to go get it. So if making up new words isn�t bad enough, when we got home in the driveway I went to pop the trunk instead I opened the gas tank. Morgan had tears I tell you.

Oh god it was good to laugh like that. Even if it was at my own expense.