What I want is what I've not got, but what I need is all around me...

Read-a-holics; this is for you - May. 11, 2005
Goodbye - Dec. 08, 2004
Red Sox Nation - Oct. 31, 2004
It is good to be from Boston - Oct. 28, 2004
She lost her sparkle, you know she isn't the same - Sept. 27, 2004

design by Jesa

Feb. 12, 2004 - About me...

1. My name is Jessica, but I prefer to be called Jes, or Jesa. Those who call me Jessica really don�t know me.

2. My parents were high school sweethearts and married September of 1974, four months after my mother graduated from high school. They divorced in 1979. Come to find out, my mother didn�t * really * love my dad after all. Poor daddy.

3. My father remarried in October of 1982. My mother remarried in February of 1983. My father�s second marriage lasted 20 years. He is on his third marriage, um yea. My mother is still married to her second husband who is also the second person in her WHOLE life she has ever been intimate with.

4. My parents would die if they knew I told you all this stuff! Lol.

5. On my next birthday I will be 28 years old. June 7th is the magical day. My mother will be 47 years old on June 12th. She was 19 when she had me, twenty years old when she brought me home. I am a Gemini through and through. Sometimes that is good, and sometimes that is bad.

6. I have one sibling. Her name is Morgan she is going to be 21 on July 1st. She is technically only my � sister, but we were raised in the same house so we consider ourselves sisters.

7. Halloween of 1979 I went trick-or-treating at my neighbor�s house, I was given the best treat of all time; I got a puppy. I was 3 � at the time, so I named him Spooky because I got him on Halloween. He died when I was 15. I loved that dog so much.

8. I have had so many pets it isn�t funny. I have had 9 dogs and like 10 cats. I had a Sugar Glider named Eva, and I had a 6ft long Iguana, her name was Dude. Dude had epilepsy and she died while I was on vacation in North Carolina. I currently have two cats, Indiana Jones and U.F.O. I also have Lou the rat. We have been adopted parents to one of the neighbor�s cats, Cassidy.

9. I moved out of the house when I was 19. I was actually Kicked out, I didn�t move on my own. I came home on a Monday night to find a nasty note on my bed; written by Satan the step-mom. She had found my diary and red through it from cover to cover and she decided that she didn�t like what I had to say about her in MY OWN PRIVATE THOUGHTS, so she kicked me out.

10. It was the best thing in the world that could have ever happened to me.

11. I have five tattoos. I have a sunflower on my left ankle. That was my first one, I got that when I was 18. I have a black sun on my lower spine, I have a shamrock on my hip, I have a Celtic Knot on my right shoulder and the last one I had done was a tribal type Irish Claddagh on my right ankle.

12. I have had my ears pierced since I was 5. I got my second holes when I was 12. I currently have 5 earrings in my left ear and only 2 in my right ear. I have had my tongue pierced, but had to take that out due to an extensive stay in the hospital. Shortly after I had my tongue pierced my father pulled out $400 and offered it to me if I promised to take it out and never put it back in. I laughed at him. I have my left nipple and my nose pierced. I am over the piercing phase of my life. My father resigned himself to the fact that I do things he doesn�t like. Ha.

13. I have dyed my hair purple, fire engine red and turquoise to match my car. My father refused to talk to me. He did that a lot when I was growing up.

14. The first time I had sex I was 17 years old, in the front seat of a 1993 Geo Storm in a cemetery on RT 3 in Exeter. I didn�t love the kid or really like him, I just wanted to get it done and over with. I only had sex with him once. I waited until I was 18 and in love to have it again.

15. My first car was brand new, it was a 1995 Ford Aspire. I laugh about it now, but dude I was 19 and it was BRAND NEW!!! After that I had a 1983 Volvo, a 1989 Mitsubishi Mirage, a 1999 Mazda Prot�g� and now my 2003 VW Jetta.

16. I worked one summer in Newport, RI at a Bed & Breakfast and most of the guests thought I was here on a working Visa from Ireland, I never told them any different and I even faked an Irish accent a few times!

17. I have been in love three times. My first boyfriend that I loved was Jeremy. He was 19 and I was 17; my father set us up. My dad lied to Jeremy , told him that I wanted to go to the movies with him and gave him my phone number to call me. My dad told me that Jeremy wanted to take me to the movies. Jeremy called me thinking I wanted his ass, and I thought he wanted me. How funny. We dated for two years. I haven�t seen him in like 7 years. The second time I fell in love it happened when I wasn�t looking. I met Chevy (real name Jason) while I was at Desmond�s house (I was dating (well sleeping with him is more accurate) Desmond at the time) sitting on the couch. Chevy asked if I could pass the ashtray and I told him no. We started hanging out when Desmond blew me off. Eventually Chev and I were together 24/7. I moved in with him two days after we kissed. We lived together and dated for two and a half years. We were engaged to be married and well it just didn�t work out. I was devastated to say the least. I met Kevin about 8 weeks after my break-up with Chevy. Kevin had just broken off a five year relationship with Heidi; neither one of us was ready to date. We started dating four months later. That was almost four years ago.

18. The first time I met Kevin I thought he was an asshole and I told him so. He thought I was a bitch but didn�t dare tell me. Ha.

19. I used to smoke cigarettes. I quit on Christmas Eve of 2002, although right now I am thinking it was actually 2001. Shit, I don�t remember. All I know is that I quit cold turkey and it was the best thing I could have ever done.

20. I dislocated my knee at my birthday party in 2001, it was June 10 to be exact. I was teaching my friends how to do the �Humpty Dance�. Priceless I tell you. I was dancing and then all of a sudden I was on the floor in total pain. I put my own knee back in place and tried to �walk it off�. I spent the next 9 hours in the ER and had to wear a brace for 16 weeks with physical therapy three times a week. My knee has never been the same since.

21. I love music. I was 8 years old when I went to my first concert. The Fixx opened up for the Moody Blues. I begged my mother for days to let me go with them. She agreed and I thought it was the greatest thing ever.

22. I have seen Dave Matthews Band 13 times. I know that isn�t much by some standards, but fuck at $75.00 a ticket that is a lot for me. I have seen my second favorite band, The Beastie Boys four times. I was lucky enough to see Rage Against the Machine. That was an amazing concert for many different reasons. Let�s see who else have I seen: Oh, Bob Dylan, George Clinton and the P-Funk All Stars, Korn, Rob Zombie, the Mighty Mighty Bosstones(8), Real Big Fish (2), The Misfits (2), Gold Finger, Blink 182 (but WAAAAYYY back when no one knew who they were), The Agents, No Doubt, Tori Amos, Bush, I even went to three Lallapoolza�s. I�ve seen Metallica, Kid Rock (he sucked, sorry) oooh and Nine Inch Nails. I love Trent Reznor. BNL, the Cranberries, NKOTB (hey give me a break I was 13!) Royal Crown Review, Pantera, They Might Be Giants, The Violent Femmes, Tool, and Ozz Fest (I saw Disturbed and I got pretty beat up in the pit and had my toe nail ripped off). I know I am forgetting some, but you get the idea.

23. I find that I am getting calmer as I get older. I like it.

24. I hate liars, fake and manipulative people.

25. I have been bitten in the face by two dogs. I was five the first time it happened. My cousin Cory�s dog Spider bit me because the boys were teasing her and she thought it was me. The other dog bite happened two years ago at Christmas. Mick, our 8-year-old Dalmatian lunged at me for no reason and bit me in the face. Kevin had him put to sleep the morning of Christmas Eve. I didn�t want to kill the dog, but Kevin said we can�t have a dog that bites the hand that feeds him. That was a shitty Christmas.

26. Speaking of shitty Christmas�, my grandfather died on December 26, 1997. That day will always suck for me. I miss him every single day of my life and I have never been the same since that day.

27. I have lost many loved ones due to Cancer. It sucks.

28. My best friend from High School (not Amy, but Jenn) was told that she had a serious heart condition and she might die. This was the day before the Senior Prom. She spent 12 weeks in Boston Children�s Hospital. I went and visited her every single day. I snuck her out of the hospital and we walked all around Boston, I even took her to McDonald�s for lunch that day. We never got caught. She has been on medication for the last ten years. She just found out that she may not be able to carry a child to full term due to her heart condition. This March she is undergoing some surgery to see if they can make her heart stronger so she can live her dream of being a mom.

29. Kevin and I went away for St. Patrick�s Day weekend last year. I was so excited about the parade and the parties that I forgot our overnight bags at home. I checked into the Bed & Breakfast with out any bags. I felt stupid. Thank god I was drunk and it didn�t matter! Ha.

30. St. Patrick�s Day is a major holiday in my house. We give presents and exchange cards. We head out to the bars around 8:30 am. Some good times with good people happen on March 17.

31. It is in my contract at work that I get March 17th off every year, paid. The first official date that Kevin and I went on was St. Patrick�s Day, 2000. He took me to a nudie bar at 5 am. For Legs-n-eggs, um yea. We were with 8 girls and 9 guys. Out of the 8 girls, four of us were named Jessica. That was messed up! Ha.

32. I have attended 39 weddings in my life up to this point. I have been in seven of them. Always a bride�s maid never a bride�

33. I am a Democrat. I am not a tree hugging hippie. I have no idea who I am going to vote for in this election, I just know that I am not voting for Bush.

If you are still reading this, I commend you. Have a happy day. Go hug someone you love, you might not have a second chance.