What I want is what I've not got, but what I need is all around me...

Read-a-holics; this is for you - May. 11, 2005
Goodbye - Dec. 08, 2004
Red Sox Nation - Oct. 31, 2004
It is good to be from Boston - Oct. 28, 2004
She lost her sparkle, you know she isn't the same - Sept. 27, 2004

design by Jesa

Feb. 25, 2004 - Photoshop woes

I have been described by many people as �bright� or �intelligent�, I don�t see myself in that light. I think that I am dumb as rocks.

Why is Photoshop so goddamn hard for me to learn? I feel like I am drowning over here. FrontPage � not a problem, I sat down for a week and I learned what I needed to learn to get it going (took the class afterwards so I could have the certificate for my resume). Even Publish it! I figured out how to do some stuff on that, but Photoshop�Not happening.

What the hell is my problem?

I am still totally baffled as to why it matters if men marry men or women marry women. I don�t understand how the President of our country is basically saying, �yes I want to amend the Constitution and make discrimination LEGAL� He is such a fucking moron. Hey Bush isn�t enough that other countries hate you, now you want your own country to hate you too? Dumb-Ass. What makes me even more upset is that there are people who support this line of linear thinking.

I don�t have much to say these days, I think that I am rather boring myself. I need summer I need the warm air and the green grass. Next week is March, I can hold out. I really can.

I can�t believe it is Wednesday already. Good Gravy, the week is almost over.