What I want is what I've not got, but what I need is all around me...

Read-a-holics; this is for you - May. 11, 2005
Goodbye - Dec. 08, 2004
Red Sox Nation - Oct. 31, 2004
It is good to be from Boston - Oct. 28, 2004
She lost her sparkle, you know she isn't the same - Sept. 27, 2004

design by Jesa

Apr. 15, 2004 - Questions Answered

Starlight42 asked:

1. What did you steal from your job & why?

Wow, moral questions. Ok. Well I would like to start out by saying that even taking a pencil from work is considered stealing, and I have done that plenty. But I know that isn�t what you want for an answer, so I will tell you. I worked for this company that sold wholesale toys through a catalog, but during the holidays we opened our doors to the public to get rid of some inventory, my friend Carly had two small children, Taylor was 3 at the time and Zach was three months old. Carly�s boyfriend was in the Marines stationed in Spain(?) and had been away her whole pregnancy and through the birth of their son. She was strapped for cash and really wanted to give her children a nice Christmas, she was saving for a while but Zach got sick and she had to quit work and pay her bills�anyway I stole toys (a doll house) from work and gave it to her so she could give it to Taylor for Christmas.

2. Describe the first time you smoked pot

It was a Sunday night and I had arrived at my dorm room early so I could work on a paper that was due that week. I was sitting at my desk when my suite mate knocks on my door asking me if I wanted to smoke with them. I said no at first and then for some reason I changed my mind. I got dressed and we walked off campus (first mistake right there) to this kid�s house that I didn�t even know. There were a few other people from our dorm sitting in the living room. I sat on the floor and got a quick lesson on how to smoke out of a bong, lit it up inhaled and waited. Well I didn�t feel anything at first and then I started to feel antsy. Like I couldn�t sit still. I had taken a few more hits and everyone was looking at me, watching waiting to see if I was high. Well I was. Come to find out, I was not only smoking pot; it was laced with PCP or something in that family. Oh Goody. It was a very strange night for me I was hallucinating for most of the night and that was weird, it wasn�t like an acid trip thing either, it was different. I learned very quickly not to get high with people you don�t know or trust and to never smoke something from people you don�t know.

3. Describe where you had sex in public and how you did not get caught!

I had a quickie in my car in a parking lot while people were walking by. It was dark out and we were parked away from the street light, don�t know if we got �caught� or not, but no one came and told us to stop.

tigerlily21 asked:

1) Who? 2) What? 3) Why? Just the first things that come to your mind...

1: Ellen

2: is emailing me

3: so I can do her invitations to her anniversary party

manda-d asked:

1. Do you have any piercings or tattoos?

Yes and Yes. I have five tattoos, a sunflower on my right ankle, an Irish tribal Claddagh on my left ankle, I have a sun on my lower spine, shamrock on my right hip and a Celtic design on my right shoulder. I used to have my tongue pierced, but I had to take it out for medical reasons, I have my left nipple pierced and I have five holes in my left ear and two in my right ear. I also have a tiny stud in my nose.

2. What is the one thing you most regret?

Most regret? Well I am going to go with not standing up for myself when I was younger, letting my step mother verbally, mentally and physically abuse me. I should have told people/teachers/friends someone, but I didn�t I was too scared. If I had spoken up things would have changed and maybe for the better. I try not to regret though, it really just wastes time and energy, but you asked so that is my answer.

3. Are you registered to vote?

Hell yea. Not only am I registered, but I vote too! I registered in 1994 right before I turned 18 while I was at lunch. I actually had to wait in a long ass line and I missed 5th period.